Wanda Smith Sentiments


About me....

Do you remember making a greeting card that was disastrous, embarrassing, and downright hideous? 

I sure do!  It was at a church crop with about 50 paper crafters eager to show off their skills, creativity, and beautiful card-making techniques.  The overall organizer threw out a challenge for those keeners to make thank you cards for the other organizers and the door prize contributors…I couldn’t resist.  After a couple hours (yes it took that long, and sometimes it still does, lol!), I managed to muster up the courage to walk my ‘work of art’ up to the showcase table.  As I was approaching the table, I couldn’t believe the artistry!  What was I thinking?  How can I add my unsightly and hideous creation to this group of talented peer artists?  Mine doesn’t even compare!  But I can’t just turn around and walk back with it, can I?  Even my long-time friend Marg (who never has a bad word to say about anybody), gave me a hmmm…thank you Marg for your somewhat honesty that day!  

Needless to say that was the start of something beautiful!  It combined my personal creativity, my passion for (paper) card-making, and my fortitude for not giving up.  It actually drove my inspiration then, and even more so now.  I love seeing the smiles, gratitude, and tears on recipients’ faces.  What more could I ask for?

Here I am 20+ years later…having taught many classes throughout the lunch hour at work, having taken many classes throughout the years, and having made thousands of cards, my dream of teaching my own classes has come true!   Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my passion and creativity with you.  Even today, some of my cards may not be up to ‘par’, however I continue to carry on and laugh about that first ‘thank you’ card way back when. 

Don’t ever give up…you too will create your own personal, unique, and beautiful cards!